Thursday, February 12, 2009

Combat Global Warming...

Fight Global Warming!!

Global Warming is a common topic these days in all forums and across all platforms. Some talk to ensure that they belong to the ‘socially aware' crowd, some associate because their favorite celebrity is endorsing the issue these days while some of the 'elite few' talk about it as they are concerned about the planet :) (we all know that they are more concerned about the votes that the 'Global Warming' issue association will bring them).

But many of us, are concerned about the devastating effects Global Warming is having on our planet Earth. Is there nothing we can do about it? Is the situation so out of control? Well, according to experts, the situation is grim but still not out of control. We can take small steps on our individual levels and at least try to do something about it then just attending lectures and giving speeches.


Fact: One ton of recycled paper saves 17 trees and 7,000 gallons of water.

Buy Local.

Fact: Average meal travels more than 1,200 miles – all the while using precious energy and CO2.

Eat Less Meat.

Fact:Livestock is responsible for 18 percent of global warming emissions.


Fact: Save one pound of CO2 for every one mile you don’t drive.

Drink Tap water.

Fact:Bottled water produces up to 1.5 million tons of plastic waste each year, which takes about 47 million gallons of oil to produce.


Fact:40% of all household electricity used to power home appliances and electronics is utilized while the devices are turned off.

Go Green


Fact: Compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) last 12 times longer than incandescent bulbs and require far less energy to run. If every home in the United States switched just one incandescent bulb to a CFL, it would be the equivalent of taking one million cars off the roads.

Shift to Alternative Energy Sources: the 'Renewable' option !

Alternative Energy Sources

Before talking about Alternative Energy Sources, I would like to underline the need for shifting to these energy sources. At present, most of our energy needs are fulfilled by non-renewable sources such as Coal, oil and natural gas. Most of these resources, fossil fuels, have been over-exploited and days of their extinction are not far away. It is therefore necessary for all of us to start adopting alternative energy sources, as we do not have any other choice available (till we find some other planet with a ‘livable' atmosphere and energy resources that we can squander).

These alternative energy sources offer an efficient and environment friendly option free for any sort of guilt. Yes, guilt because soon we will have to face the ‘not so kind' stares of our future generations for our selfish ‘energy consumption' practices & attitudes. These resources offer hope in this ‘not so happy' picture that we have painted with our indiscriminate use of non-renewable energy resources.

Advantages of Alternative energy resources

Wind Power

  • As no chemical processes are involved, no pollution is produced thus no contamination of the environment.
  • It is renewable resource; we therefore can use it as much as we want without ever running out of it.
  • You can build the wind farms offshore.

Wind powered devices include water pumping windmills and wind turbines.

Solar Power

  • As long there is sun, we can use the energy, to our heart's content.
  • As there is no chemical reaction from fuel combustion, there is no water or air pollution.
  • Solar energy can be used for heating spas, pools or water tanks.
  • Solar energy can be used for cooking, heating and lighting.
  • Solar energy is used for generating electricity.

Solar devices include Solar cooker, Solar water heating systems, Solar Lantern, Solar Photo voltaic lighting system, Solar panels, Solar dryer, Solar stills, Solar Photovoltaic pumping and system.


  • Bio energy is renewable and sustainable energy from plants and other organic wastes such as vegetative and food-processing waste, bio energy crops, fumes from landfills, and residues from agriculture.
  • Bio energy generators can produce large volumes of electricity.
  • Bio energy can also be stored and used later when required.

Bio energy devices include Biomass gasifiers for water pumping, drying and power generation and Biomass Power generating systems.

Start using these energy resources and get a glimpse of what the future will be like (sadly these will be only few options left :( , but thank god that these are renewable :) ! )